The joy is here!
a christmas poem

The Joy of Christmas is here!

But it’s also a hard thing to find…

It doesn’t come as a gift,

of any store-bought kind.


To receive this Gift you must sell,

before you begin to buy.

At first this Joy may cause you to stumble,

it may even cause you to die.


But the Gift is so great,

it’s price was paid with a boy.

The true “Christmas magic”,

is far from any toy. 


In this Christmas season,

rest first before the stores,

before you check off the checkboxes,

before you finish your chores.


Take that moment to dig,

in your heart until you find,

going through the surpassing peace,

and then finding it there: the joy of the unimaginable kind.


And now that it’s been unearthed,

you will see the season in its purest form,

you will remember it as your first Christmas:

all wonder and beauty, just like a newborn.


Giving gifts is wonderful,

just pause before you start:

Remember, you don’t even have to give them at all,

then you can give the gifts people truly love…


…the ones that come from your heart.

-the author -

Dane vosler

Dane has had some type of belief in God most of his life; only in 2011 did his hopes of what he thought God was truly deliver.  A family man, entrepreneur, a software manager, and a deep-seeded racing car driver, Dane has been blessed time and time again by the goodness of his best friend and Lord, Jesus Christ.

Dane vosler

rock hill, SC