- An exhortation-


If it can happen then

It can happen again

Dane vosler



Do you remember when you were first born again, and miracles seem to come almost effortlessly? It’s easy to look back now and remember all of the wins, successes and miracles when God first truly became real.

I remember when I first started hearing his voice on a daily, if not momentary basis. And every word turned into some act of obedience, which then would become a ‘marking moment’ for my life, and usually someone else’s too. A testimony…then a healing next…then and a word of knowledge; it was like living in a Disney movie…sort of. One of the good classic ones. But with spiritual power and life changing encounters.

There is no ‘But then life got in the way…’ here. I believe our fires can dim, but I believe even more that God allows us to mature. And with maturity, you learn to do other things than simply 1. Listen and 2. Obey. That’s still always a good ‘formula’ for doing God’s will. But when you’re first born again, you don’t have a grid yet for many things that the Lord wants to grow us up in: Stewardship, Discipling others, having kids (which is also discipleship), and yes, Responsibility.

I don’t believe these are meant to get in the way, but they are meant to be lived in tension with the miracles and wonders we ‘had at first’, that we should continue to have. We learn as we grow up how to steward dreams, how to get up after failure, how to disciple others in the Lord, how to handle money, and so many other things we have to re-learn from the life we had prior. Some of our learnings can carry over from our old life from good parents, and/or good friends – but many of those things had to be learned or re-learned with kingdom eyes. And spirit-led willingness.

I think for many of us, it’s time not for a re-learning as much as it’s time for a RE-commissioning.

When I was first born again, I didn’t know I was even ‘commissioned’. I was just…doing. I was experimenting in the Lord. Trying to hear his voice, trying to step out, saying Yes to anything that smelled like the Lord. Now, years later, I am hearing that phrase: RE-commissioning.

We are deputized to carry out God’s work the moment we surrender our life, lay it down as a dead dog, and say, “I want to do whatever YOU want me to.” Right then Jesus says, “Alright alright alright.”

But since we are so new in the Lord, He starts by teaching us by giving basic commands. “Turn here.” “Walk over there.” “Pray for that man” “Stop talking. Just listen”. Just like a good parent teaching a baby – just the basics: “Come here”. “Come to me”. “Talk to me”.

Only after learning (and stepping out in) these simple commands do we see why He was saying those things. We see how making that one turn connected us to so and so, which then led to an amazing story. A testimony.

God wants us to know this: If it can happen then, it can happen again.

With testimony, it IS good to know “If it can happen with THEM, it can happen again.” This is also true. If Jesus did it, so can I. Or…if Beth can do it, maybe He can do it with me. But I think God is wanting you to say to yourself:

If it can happen then, in MY past, it can happen again. Even greater.

I believe the recommissioning will feel a lot like the past, a lot like previous miracles you had when you first started stepping out in the Lord. And sometimes when things feel familiar, they can make us feel like we are going backward. But this is not the case. Jesus says,

“Out of the storehouse he will bring new treasures as well as old.” (Matt 13:52)

God is really, and I mean this sincerely, really concerned with your walk with Him. The way you believe. The way you hear the Lord. He isn’t looking for you to copy and paste every good testimony, or every good sermon. He really loves the way you hear Him. He is often saying to me, “But what do YOU believe?”

That’s my question to you, for you, and only for you – but what do YOU believe? Maybe better said, “But HOW do you believe?” Not how does that successful person hear the Lord or get their success. Not how do I pencil down their success and apply it to my life. But what do YOU believe?

God is saying, “You have had more success than you know. Don’t stop knowing that I made you to hear me the WAYS you know how to hear me.”

We can glean from others. We can use their testimonies as ours. But I’ll say it again, God is very, very solid on you and Him talking in your language. And doing what He and you have decided to do.

We have the same commission as every other believer: Bring heaven to Earth. Set the captives free. Heal the sick. Raise the dead. And so on.

But I think along the way, especially in the ‘social’ society in which we live, it’s easy to let others have this gift, or others have that calling.

God is saying, “You are RE-commissioned, just as you were at first”. There is no barrier, there is no holding back to what is possible, or lack of spiritual gifting that will keep you from doing everything that is possible in the Lord.

How do you do it? That’s between you and Him. But if it happened then, it can surely happen again. And even greater.

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