-sean feucht-
the real deal
in a cloud of confusion
Dane vosler
To Be, or Not to Be...Political
Isn’t that the question? And if I choose to be political to some degree, how political do I get before falling down a rabbit hole, working to uncover the ‘real’ truth of what is truly going on ‘behind the scenes?’ Well, if you ask Sean Feucht, you probably would get a response you wouldn’t expect – he doesn’t even really see himself as political at all. But before I jump too far ahead, I’ll share the little I know about, and know personally, regarding Sean Feucht.
Meeting Sean
Funny enough, I’ve had several opportunities to meet Sean, but only recently did I actually make good on one of them. To be honest, I wanted to meet him, but just because I donated money to one of his ministries (which my wife and I did). However, his team sent an invitation that was too good to pass up: worship in the Senate building in D.C., aaaand a gala at the Willard Hotel in evening. I really couldn’t not go.
In the afternoon, my good friend and +1 for the day David Carter and I got to go into the Russell Senate Office, as a guest of Senator Josh Hawly (Although did not get a chance to meet him). We were led upstairs by Josh’s team into the Kennedy Caucus Room. A couple of strings players from Bethel Church we’re already preparing the room with worship. Shortly thereafter, Sean came in and we got to worship family-room style in this elegant and wildly significant place. It was truly special, which is the best word I could use. I felt as if the Lord was telling me during the worship, “This is special. Take it in.”
The Gala
After the worship and prayer time, David and I got cleaned up and headed to the Willard Hotel. And apparently this hotel has some history, having even hosted Abraham Lincoln himself…
The gala was wonderful, beautiful and down to Earth. We wined outside in the courtyard for awhile before our meal. After that, we moved inside where we (around 80-100 supporters of Sean’s ministries) got to eat, and take in the past year of all that Sean and his team accomplished. We worshiped there, we watched amazing recap videos and even talked about his visions for 2023 (more on that below).
Sean and His Family First...then Politics & Jesus...
I have only had a few moments with Sean; I actually talked to his wife Katie much more during our time. She was wonderful, and we just enjoyed chatting about raising kids in this wild, wild day and age we live in. We “joked” about watching The Hiding Place with our kids (Corrie Ten Boom), and talked about their latest movie Superspreader. It was a super easy going, and both Sean and Katie were very available if you wanted to meet them.
I met Sean later when David wanted to get his book signed (a gift at the gala). Sean was just as easy going, although you could tell his mind was in 1000 places. But I would be too if I was attempting even half of what he was doing. Like just the next day he was going to be at different landmarks all over D.C. leading worship, finishing at the mall with a grand worship session and rally alongside Senator Josh Hawly; leading just one of those things would probably ruin me.
Nonetheless, I merely wanted to touch on my meeting the Feucht’s because they are as real as they come. They try to save money finding budget flights, they have to manage their time alongside growing their family, and they truly are just relatable, amazing people.
So what about the political stuff…
Politics & Jesus...
Now…politically leaning, I would say I agree with Sean more than not. I also think believers should have an influence on politics, I think believers should be engaged (to some degree) in politics, and I think it’s “OK” to be an outspoken Christian as a politician. However, this doesn’t mean I agree with everything Sean is doing. And here’s merely an example, not a gripe:
Donald Trump. As I believe Sean did, I also voted twice for Donald Trump. However, I also believe Donald Trump could be the antichrist. Like…seriously, but not too seriously. (Follow the example…). See, if you go deeper than Trump’s Presidential actions, you would be alarmed at the “coincidences” of Trump’s life, and satanic behavior (and I’m not talking about womanizing). I’m even judging DT for any of this, but truthfully believe his life has some ‘serious’ markers of someone influenced by the devil.
And this is the crux of where Sean is, and where many people are like myself. See, if we go just one level deeper on some of these political figures or talking heads in our world, you would be convinced that almost everyone: a) secretly works for a singular elitist cabal b) is the antichrist or c) is a freemason.
The Rub
So I’m thinking about this very thing while I am there at the gala with Sean (not like a lot, but am wondering if I will talk to him about it some). And I’m thinking to myself, “Sean surely has to know that some of these people he’s speaking up for, and against, are really freemasons or in the occult. Like, how can he go all over, worshipping with some of these people knowing that he could be used merely for Christian political points? How could he support America the way he does when the government of America is often the one creating the smoke screens and false flags?”
And then I felt like the Lord gave me a tiny bit of insight into this, right there during the gala. Without saying it, it was like the Lord said, “See, Sean takes it seriously. Every issue that matters. And when he fights, it’s worth something, even when others are playing games behind the scenes.”
A good example, the best one I could give to explain this, is working a job you care about. You go in, passionate and ready to make a positive change. And as you would expect, there are ‘veterans’ there who are trying to slide by, keep the status quo, and thinking you’re foolish by not ‘playing the game.’ See, if you merely played along, you could work less, make the same money, and avoid any friction from leadership. But this was never your intention when you took the job; you wanted to grow something, build something, and maybe even tear some things down that just had to go. And this is what I felt like the Lord was saying about Sean.
There are a lot of behind the scenes deals, fake plays, false flags and even globalist collaboration going on. And if you get caught up too much in it, it will lead you to doing absolutely nothing. It will all feel meaningless, since the whole system feels rigged. And that’s what the devil wants all of us to believe.
I believe Sean is one of the few working directly in the middle of the tension between building the kingdom, and politics. And that is also why every donor there at the gala was ready to speak up for him. Many people in the room said virtually the same thing: “When I saw Sean doing what he was doing, I was like ‘finally!’ someone is doing something!’
OK, I do Disagree
To (continue to) be frank, I don’t appreciate everything he, or his ministry does. For example, some of the social media posts by his Hold the Line account that expose the darkness I feel actually give the darkness a greater platform. Do some things need exposing? Absolutely. Does everything? Well, yes, but how do we do it without giving it more credibility and power than it already has? I don’t know, but I don’t agree with everything he and his team put out there. But that’s good.
And that being said, I agree with Sean much more than not. He’s doing something, and as a believer he is working and I quote (from the gala), “…to be a conscience for the nation.” I think that was the best way to put it. Especially for all Christians who don’t know what to do with politics, or how they should interact with them. Sean, and people supporting him are working to bring a healthy, Jesus-first conscience to the political realm. And yes, Sean did even run for Congress (which is a little more than just being a conscience).
The Lord has been using all that Sean has attempted, has done and has been doing to build him up for what is doing now: speaking up for Jesus in all these modern-day issues. Does Jesus need speaking up for? Well…do the littlest of these need speaking up for? It’s all the same to the Lord.
Vision 2023
To close with what’s coming up, Sean is building upon what he has already been given. After having gone around the nation to the wildest of Wests (e.g. Seattle during Antifa riots and CHOP), he is now taking Let Us Worship to all of the capitols around the nation. To me, this is nothing ‘new’, but having already seen some of it via social media, it really is new, and more. Sean is praying with and worshiping alongside state and city officials and soon-to-be officials to bring Jesus to every state in our union.
And right there, in these places, many are coming to know Jesus for the first time. Many who have been bound up by drugs, or other addictions are being set free at these events. And while I would say this excites me more than any of the governmental stuff, they both are truly intertwined.
I believe God loves to do ‘spiritual work’ in people’s heart right with the natural work. So whether you’re more prone to want to get involved politically more than most of your friends, well Sean is one of the best to get behind.
However, if politics is a complete turn off for you, well just judge the tree correctly. Sean is seeing more spiritual fruit in the lives of people more than most churches; it truly is nothing short of death-to-live amazing.
America...the Great
Do I believe America is a ‘Christian’ nation? Personally, I don’t. Do I believe America has Christian principles built in? Of course. But the better question may be, “Is America still worth fighting for?” And for me, the answer is Absolutely.